《合肥学院学报(社会科学版)》讲师论文发表刊名:合肥学院学报(社会科学版)Journal of Hefei University(Social Sciences)主办:合肥学院周期:双月出版地:安徽省合肥市语种:中文;开本:大16开ISSN:1672-920XCN:34-1282/C历史沿革:现用刊名:合肥学院学报(社会科学版)曾用刊名:合肥教育学院学报创刊时间:1984 本刊坚持为社会主义服务的方向,坚持以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论为指导,贯彻“百花齐放、百家争鸣”和“古为今用、洋为中用”的方针,坚持实事求是、理论与实际相结合的严谨学风,传播先进的科学文化知识,弘扬民族优秀科学文化,促进国际科学文化交流,探索高等教育、教学及管理诸方面的规律,活跃教学与科研的学术风气,为教学与科研服务。曾用刊名:合肥教育学院学报。 医学英文论文标题如何写?1.标题 Titles are to be written to be understood by those in your field, telling them exactly what you have done in your work.(告诉你的同行确切研究了什么) 要求: 1) Short and concise(简明扼要):Write in one line (not a sentence); not containing an active verb; not exceeding 25 words or 120-140 letters and spaces; no abbreviations or chemical symbols except those that are generally accepted, e.g. DNA, RNA, AIDS, CT, etc.; 2) Informative(信息丰富):State exactly what you want the reader to know about your paper and your work; 3) Indexing(便于索引):Pack as many key words or indexing terms as possible into the title without overloading it |